
Shiksha Saptah

Shiksha Saptah 2024  was celebrated at Bhavan’s Vidya mandir Girinagar  from July 22-28, 2024, commemorating the 4th anniversary of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. This week-long celebration provided an excellent opportunity to reflect on the transformative reforms introduced by NEP 2020 and reaffirm our commitment to advancing education across our nation. It fostered a spirit of collaboration and innovation among learners, educators, and stakeholders of the school. It provided a platform to share best practices, discuss challenges, and chart a path forward towards realising the vision outlined in the NEP 2020 at grass root levels. Each day of the week was dedicated to a specific theme, showcasing various aspects of education and development. The activities were planned and executed based on the provided guidelines .

 Teaching-Learning Material (TLM) Day-1 July 22,2024

 Teaching-Learning Material Day turned into a collaborative event for students, teachers, parents, and the community. The focus was to empower the institution and everyone to create high quality, curriculum-aligned resources using local materials, fostering a sustainable and engaging learning environment that prioritized student's learning achievement.

Musical Demonstration Exhibition: A stall where students of Std XI & XII demonstrated how songs or playing an instrument can be used as a teaching learning aid to introduce a poem .

Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) Day 2 – 23rd July 2024
Day 2 was dedicated to Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) Day, recognizing the critical importance of FLN in the early years of education. It served as a platform to showcase successful FLN initiatives and programs,share best practices and innovative approaches in FLN and engage educators, parents, and communities in supporting FLN efforts.
Screening of FLN Film in every class to understand the objective of FLN and generate awareness among the stakeholders of its importance. 
Workshop: Interactive sessions for teachers on innovative teaching methodologies and joyful learning for FLN.
Sports Day- 3 - 24th July 2024
NEP 2020 envisages sports as a part of the School Curriculum and sports-integrated learning as well as adopting fitness as a lifelong attitude. As part of this celebration, various sports were conducted to develop  sporting spirit among students , give them an out of classroom learning experience and  inculcate values of discipline, fitness, fairness, teamwork and unity amongst students.
Day 4: Cultural Day Celebration July 25,2024
The day was dedicated to promote and celebrate India’s cultural diversity. The school explored the cultural components such as different languages, costumes, food, art,painting, dances, songs, folk and traditional crafts, quiz etc, where students’ talent was nurtured and showcased
Day 5: Skilling Day, July 25,2024
Empowering students through skill education is a key priority as it enhances their employability and boosts their overall personality and self-esteem. By dedicating a day for skill and digital education, the school aimed to expose students to skills - ones that are aspirational, as also those that are most relevant locally and contextually, also new and emerging vocations and empower them with the necessary competencies to thrive in the 21st century.
To foster a well-rounded and skill-based education for students, the following activities were conducted
Home management and Cooking
Entrepreneurship development Session 
  Jute bag making
Traditional art and Craft Workshop
Hackathon or Coding Challenge in ATL
Day 6-Eco Clubs for Mission LiFE Day – 27July, 2024
              The day was dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of preserving and conserving natural resources and the environment. All the activities were conducted to motivate students to adopt eco-friendly behaviour and incorporate sustainable practices into their daily routine. Students were encouraged to actively participate in #Plant4MotherCampaign. The aim was to foster a sense of personal responsibility for environmental conservation.
Day 7: Community Involvement Day July 28,2024
      A few activities were conducted to improve the effectiveness and reach of Vidyanjali program in school. 
     The school has become a volunteer on Vidyanjali portal.
Talk on ‘Vidyanjali Programme ‘by the student during the morning Assembly.
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